Test Your Travel Knowledge With Our New Trivia Quiz

Trivia does not necessarily mean trivial. Both words are rooted in Latin for “crossroads” (trivium) and offer another way to travel.

Scottish highlands

How much trivia have you picked up on your travels?

Photo by Kanuman/Shutterstock

Sometimes it’s the little things you remember most from a trip: that food you never ate before, a historical tidbit learned while touring ancient ruins, or hearing a bird that’s new to you. Trivia encompasses the funny, intriguing, and simply weird facts you discover on a journey. It’s information that may seem useless—the highest mountain in South America, the largest city in Africa—but also can provide clues to cultures.

Even such things as that bandanna or balaclava you’re wearing can be steps on a path to understanding other places. With that in mind, here are 12 travel trivia questions to test the most experienced of globetrotters.

How did you fare with this dozen? Be sure to check out AFAR’s Daily Wander newsletter for a travel trivia question each day, plus our Instagram account for even more.

Pat Tompkins has written for AFAR about books, art, UNESCO World Heritage sites, and other topics.
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